Dear Thomas,
You may have heard me say, that we all have the extraordinary coded
within us, waiting to be released.
If that's the case, you might wonder why you're often struggling to
live the life you feel you're born to live?
Why are your dreams losing their power as the years pass? Why are
you feeling, each day, and each year that passes, that perhaps you
weren't meant to do anything important or extraordinary, because
you simply don't have the skills to manifest your deepest longing
and desire?
You wonder if you have enough talent and skills for accomplishing
what you know will make a difference in the world.
But underneath all these assumptions and obstacles lies a truth:
The greatest challenge people face in living their unique purpose
and destiny in life is not a lack of talent or interest to do so.
People struggle to activate their "purpose code"
because they hang on to old, false beliefs about who they
are, what they're capable of and the human story in general.
They simply don't know how to move toward change, or how to make
something meaningful happen in their lives.
They don't know how to tap into their "higher mind" and the well of
deep creativity within them.
This is what I want to show you today. Not only can you learn new
skills and practices to tap into your deep well of creativity, you
can learn it in a very short time.
I discovered this technique because I once made a study of the 55
most creative people in North America. They had high levels of
sustained creativity--Margaret Mead, Joseph Campbell, Jonas Salk and
others you haven't heard of.
They had something in common, and that is that they were able to
activate their inner sensory capacities and apply these to any
project they were engaged in.
I realized that anyone had the capacity to use this technique, not
just the most creative people.
Earlier in my career, I was working with a writer who was having a
difficult time finishing her book. She had about 125 pages left to
write, and time was running out on her contract. She was stuck and
didn't know what to do.
I taught her this technique, and in a few days she finished her
This technique relates to my ACTIVATION CODE #1:
Cultivating New Mind Body Systems.
Activation code #1 is about using all the parts of your mind, your
body, your heart and all the senses, in service to your higher
self. It's tapping into new intelligence, new capacities, new
fields of possibility.
Doing this will enable to you accept and manifest the vision of
your higher destiny.
And this particular technique doesn't even require that you first
eliminate all your bad habits and destructive old patterns, because
sometimes having a clear and powerful vision of your destiny can
help you override those old habits anyway.
Purpose Activation Exercise #1
Here's how we'll start:
First, find a space of about five minutes to turn off your phone
and put aside all your distractions except for this e-mail that
you're reading right now.
Sit quietly and think about something you'd really like to do, in
the next few weeks or months. Do you have a project in mind? Good.
Now I'm going to show you how to use your inward imagery to
activate this project. It helps you not only finish the project,
but to do so in a way that fits into your picture of the Universe.
You'll want to pause after each sentence to really work with the
imagined sense. You may also close your eyes after reading each
sentence if it's easier for you.
Now I'd like you, in your imagination, to taste a crispy, sweet
Go ahead and imagine what that sensation is like on your tongue and
inside your mouth.
Next, I want you to taste ice cream.
Taste hot buttered toast.
Now taste your celebratory meal, after your project is finished.
Next, I want you to smell a meadow after a rain.
A pine forest.
The smell of freshly baked bread. Now smell your project after it's
finished. Don't worry about the logic of that, just smell what it
smells like.
I want you to touch the bony softness of a horse's nose.
I want you to walk through a tub of warm honey.
Play patty-cake with a small child.
Touch your project as it's being accomplished.
I want you to hear a rain storm on a roof.
Hear someone singing in a very high voice.
Hear Martin Luther King giving his speech, "I have a dream."
Now hear something that has to do with the accomplishment of your
I want you to see a sunrise.
See a sunset.
See a falling star.
A good friend's face as they're looking at your face.
Now I want you to see your project being accomplished.
Take a deep breath and run your project through all the senses
again: taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing. Go ahead and take
another ten seconds to do so.
Finished? Great!
What you have done is to engage the sensory pattern of the mind as
well as energizing the hormones to give you the energy to stick to
the project.
This is the experience of activating the body-mind systems in
service to a higher purpose and destiny.
This works because below the surface crust of ordinary
consciousness, the creative mind is working all the time, waiting
for you to tap into it. Your deep mind is in a state of ongoing
If you know how to use your body, your mind and all your senses,
you can increase the number of "hooks" that bring that creativity
to the surface of the conscious mind.
It's important to me that I teach people these secrets to
activating their life purpose, because I see that the changes that
need to happen in the world can't happen with just one or two
They can't happen when people feel unsupported in or unsure of
their role on this planet. They need to happen when an entire
culture, a large community, bring the best version of themselves in
service to making a necessary shift in consciousness.
That's why my mission in life, and what I will be sharing in my
upcoming 7-week course, is not only how to accept the
change that is now upon us as a culture and species, but how to
harness the change that you feel in your own heart and soul, using
this as fuel for your own creativity and contribution to the world.
We are going to come together as a community of engaged, awakened
souls who have the desire, and the capacity to make the great shift
that is necessary for our very survival.
I would like you to be there.
We know that change is upon us, we see the urgency in needing to
come together right now.
Countries are in social and political crisis, the economy is on the
brink, the environmental problems that have been building for
decades have now reached a tipping point.
There's no time to waste.
Through my course, you'll learn how to use your special gift, your
unique talent, to awaken to your life's purpose.
If you don't know your unique gift, I will show you ways to bring
it out into the open.
I'll give you tools and strategies to increase your creativity,
access deep sources of emotional healing, and tap into sources of
ancient wisdom that will help you navigate through the most
difficult challenges.
These are all necessary shifts you need to make if you are to live
out your calling and live the life you were born to live.
And if you register by Wednesday, August 31, you'll receive an
additional early registration bonus that I have put together in
appreciation for your dedication.
Early Registration Bonus #1
Get Exclusive Access to my New e-Book
Social Artistry: Finding Your Unique Brand of Brilliance in
Building A Better World with Dr. Jean Houston
I hope you'll join me and join the community of like-minded people
from all over the world and "Awaken to Your Life's
Purpose". The course starts on Tuesday, October 4.
I am committed to serving your highest calling and supporting you
every step of the way.
Yours in purpose,
PS: I am excited to share with you about another very special early
registration bonus workshop with my dear friend, Neale Donald
Walsch. I will reveal more details in my next email.
The early registration bonuses are only available if you register
by Wednesday, August 31 so I encourage you to either click here to
learn more or register today.
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