Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Research shows this about happiness...

Hi {Thomas!

Researchers have found that there is not just a correlation between
low self-esteem and materialism, but also a causal relationship
where low self-esteem INCREASES materialism and materialism can
CREATE low self-esteem. They also found that as an individual's
self-esteem increases, their interest in materialism decreases.
In a study primarily focused on how this relationship effects
children and adolescents, Lan Nguyen Chaplin (University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign) and Deborah Roedder John (University of
Minnesota) found that even a simple gesture to raise self-esteem
dramatically decreased materialism.

"By the time children reach early adolescence and experience a
decline in self-esteem, the stage is set for the use of material
possessions as a coping strategy for feelings of low self-worth".
The paradox that findings such as these bring up, is that
consumerism is good for the economy in the short run, but bad for
the individual in the long run, especially for young people.

Most of us want more income so we can consume more stuff. However,
several separate studies show that as societies become richer,
they do not become happier. Statistically people have more
material possessions and money than they did fifty years ago, but
they are actually less happy. In fact, the wealthiest countries
have more depression, alcoholism and more crime than they did fifty
years ago and yet we have more material goods to purchase than ever
before. This paradox is true of Britain, the United States,
Australia, continental Europe and Japan.

The real reason people want whatever is currently "hot" or "in
style" is because they believe it will contribute towards their
satisfaction and happiness in life. The word "believe" is the key
here. People believe that buying more and more things, especially
name brand clothes and cars, will make them happy, when in fact
research has shown time and time again that this simply isn't the

The point here is if you believe that when you get enough "stuff"
you will be happy, you are setting yourself up to be very
disappointed. So instead why not be happy NOW? That's right! Cut
out the middleman (all that stuff you think will make you happy when
you get it) and just be happy NOW. A radical idea, wouldn't you say?

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Monday, January 30, 2012

The untold reason you don't have what you want...

Hi Thomas!

What do all of the following statements have in common?

*Ever notice as soon as you get in the Express Line at the grocery
store the line slows down?

*When I was growing up my mother was very distant and since then I
have had a hard time relating to women.

*Just when I was getting ahead my ex-wife's lawyer came after me for
the unpaid child support.

*I'd like to have more money, but I have so many financial problems I
will never get out of debt.

*I enjoy personal growth, but my husband thinks all that stuff is
nonsense and doesn't like me to participate in it.

*I'd like to open a business of my own, but my wife thinks it is too
risky, so I guess I had better stay at this secure and boring job I
dislike going to every day.

What all these statements have in common is the nature of the
person making the statement. As diverse as all of these statements
are and as diverse as the people who make them appear to be, each
statement reflects the same type of individual - a person with low
self-worth and a predisposition toward negative expectations.

The biggest common denominator all these people share is that they
are desperately holding onto being a victim. They live at the
Victim Level of Awareness. They almost celebrate the fact that they
are victimized. Their "stories" are always about their past and
the latest problems and tragedies that have befallen them. Of
course they are not really victims, but volunteers. They have made a
choice - usually unconscious- to remain a victim.

You can't be a victim and be a success in life. You can be one or
the other, but not both at the same time. If you want to feel like
a victim and that's what you affirm to the people around
you, you will continue to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. You
will repel love, defer happiness, attract illness or injuries and
sabotage any financial or business success. The problem is you tell
your story so well to everyone around you that you end up following
your own script.

The good news is REMAINING a victim is a choice. If the above
describes you then ask yourself this question. "Is remaining a
victim moving me TOWARDS or AWAY from what I want?" If it is moving
you away, then you are paying a very high price to hold onto your
victimhood. Now is the time to release it and move up to a higher
Level of Awareness.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A 5-Minute Practice to Access Your Higher Self

Dear Thomas,

Every being, every thing on Earth has a deep purpose and a guiding
force for its existence.

An acorn's guiding force, its destiny, is to become an oak tree.

A cloud passes over a mountain range with the destiny of becoming a
thunderstorm further down the valley.

You, too, have a deep purpose and a guiding force for becoming all
you are capable of being. You may sense this as that inner
strength that directs your actions. Or that inner voice, the
intuitive voice, that calls to you when you're at a crossroads in
your life.

"This is the path you should take," it tells you. Often, however,
it tells you with emotions and feelings, and the words come later.

Some call this guiding force the Higher Self. It is the deepest,
holiest, most whole part of you.

What if you were able to access this Higher Self at any time? What
if you could actually stand face-to-face with that most soulful,
wise force behind all the good in your life?

In this e-mail, I'm going to give you a meditation you can try at
home that will enable you to get in touch with your Higher Self,
your guiding force, your voice of destiny. It's simple and yet so

If you've heard me speak in the past about the 3 Keys to
Discovering and Living Your True Purpose, you know that the
Activation Key #2 to discovering your true purpose is opening to
your larger role in the world by shifting from your "small" self to
your Higher Self.

What is a small self? The small self is the self whose emotions and
moods fluctuate every day based on external circumstances: whether
or not you got praise at work, whether your partner said, "I love
you," whether you ran into traffic on the way to run errands, or
sometimes because the weather is too hot or too cold. It is the
self that is mainly concerned with the "I" of the ego, the concerns
of status and comfort.

The Higher Self is the self beyond what's happening in the present
moment, the self that is in alignment with All That Is, with the
divine, with the cosmos. It is timeless, formless and limitless.
The Higher Self is the universe inside of you.

By shifting from your small self to your Higher self, you can
access the truth of who you are and begin to experience your unique
purpose. You can see beyond the everyday concerns of ego to a
higher calling, to seeing the world's pain and need, and seeing
what your role is in relationship to healing that pain.

When you live from the place of the Higher Self, you live a life in
which abundance is scooped from abundance and still more
abundance remains.

How can you experience the Higher Self consciously, at will, at
more than just those fleeting moments when you sense the greater
intelligence working through you? You can do it through this
meditation, which I'm about to share with you.

This meditation will require a completely quiet and undistracted
space. Maybe you can do this now, or maybe you'll have to set aside
some time later in the day or first thing in the morning.

A 5-Minute Audio Practice to Access Your Higher Self

Please visit the special audio page to listen to and
download this powerful experiential practice.




Saturday, January 28, 2012

[FREE DOWNLOAD] Self Hypnosis Session for Deep Relaxation

Hi Thomas,

Everyone can use a little more relaxation in their lives,
so here's a short (8 minutes) self hypnosis session I made
taking you through a progressive relaxation technique.

Get it here...

Listen to this in a place where you won't
be disturbed and you can focus on what is
being said and you'll feel a deeper relaxation
then you've probably felt in a long time.


PS- Here's another relaxation technique
you can use to help you sleep...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Free video: How to win big in today's economy

If you are tired of dealing with the current state of the
economy, here's something you should know:

The surest path to success isn't in learning how to navigate
through a terrible economy. The smarter path is to discover
how you can "create your OWN economy..." where YOU make the

The fact is, this system is setup for normal people to FAIL.

The clues are obvious and are everywhere.

What isn't so obvious, is that you don't have to settle for
the mess you see out in this economy.

There IS an alternative.

And this new video reveals what that is.
Now I have to warn you, at the end of this video is an odd
twist unlike anything you've probably seen before.
A New American Dream

If you do nothing else today, be sure you watch through to
the end.

It's clear that this guy in the video is on a mission. And
from his previous record of successes, it seems like he is
pretty much unstoppable.
Watch this video now.
Your Coach,

Stephen Covey said WHAT??


I want to give you instant access to an important
interview I just did with a true world thought leader.

This interview contains crucial information that affects
your life RIGHT NOW.

All you need to do is use the link below and the
interview is yours to enjoy.

Here are the details:

You probably know of Stephen Covey, world-famous
author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Covey when I spoke
with him in Calgary, Canada a couple of years ago.

However, I've known his son, Stephen M. R. Covey
(and his business partner and co-author, Greg Link)
even longer. Like the senior Stephen Covey, these
two are major world thought-leaders. They have
written an amazing book, Smart Trust, which
quickly became an international bestseller.

This book is so interesting and important, and so
pertinent to many of the big problems we're all
facing these days, that I recently emailed you to
suggest that you get a copy.

Then, however, I had an idea. Stephen agreed to
let me interview him, which I did just a few days
ago, and this interview was so amazing that I
want you to have a copy of it and hear it for

Please, use the link below to access this fascinating

There is no charge for this. It's my gift to you based
on my belief that this is IMPORTANT info you need
to hear.

Here it is:


You can stream the interview online, or download it
and put it on your phone, iPad, or other device.

Please DO listen to this. You can thank me later.

Be well.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life doesn't come with a moneyback guarantee (the truth)

Hi Thomas!

Life doesn't come with a money back guarantee and yet many of us
live like it does. People are certain that they will keep their
jobs. They are certain of living a long healthy life. Others might
be certain that they will lose their jobs or get sick and die
young. Certainty comes in many forms but it rarely corresponds to
the truth.

The truth is nothing is certain. The need for certainty is the need
for safety. It is the basis of all religion. Since we do not like
uncertainty, we choose to believe in something that we feel we
can be certain about, even though we have no logical proof that it
is true.

Some might argue that if nothing can be counted on then why bother
trying. In order to move forward in life many people need to have a
sense of certainty about the outcome. But this kind of certainty is
an illusion.

Certainty is a form of disconnection - from the truth and from
ourselves. When we feel certain about something, we are
disconnected from the natural flow of life.

Certainty is the perpetual elusive dream of most people.

What in life is certain? There is a part of you - your Authentic
Self - that is unchanging. This pure consciousness is certain while
everything else is uncertain, impermanent and an illusion. But how
do you discover or experience this pure unchanging consciousness?
Through Inquiry.

If you are certain about something - anything for that matter - you
immediately place a lid on that thing. It cannot change. You won't
let it change because if you do, you will be wrong in your
certainty. But all things, except one thing, do change.

The only thing that doesn't change is WHO YOU ARE - your Authentic
Self or what is commonly called consciousness. Consciousness is
what remains when all concepts, beliefs, values, habits and ways of
thinking are stripped away. In other words, all of your ideas,
concepts, beliefs and so on will change over time. If this is true
then why waste time on trying to be certain?

By inquiring how and why you get certain results in your life you
learn about your beliefs and patterns that create those results.
Then through the power of your mind, you can consciously form new
patterns. The need for certainty is replaced by a relaxed "learning"

Can you imagine a world in which nothing changes? It would be
absolutely miserable. Inquiry is the habit that leads us out of
that misery.

Through uncertainty you move from being an expert to being a
student. All of life, all experiences, everyone and everything
become our teachers.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Friday, January 20, 2012

Calculating Your Karma Number

Hi Thomas,

The Karma number is not really of Western numerology but more a
Vedic or Indian invention. You may not relate to the idea of having
a karma number if you do not believe in reincarnation however it is
an interesting exercise in numerology if you do subscribe to the

The Karma number is supposed to tell you about the "baggage" you
are carrying over from your last lifetime that is giving you
lessons to learning in this lifetime. In this sense numerology can
tell you what types of karma you are carrying over from a previous
life. All you need to do is calculate your Karma number.

Your Karmic number is not calculated in any way that you may have
been familiar with so far. It is figured out using fadic addition.
Technically the number is based on a Magic Square that incorporates
your birth date numbers and the values.

The shortcut to calculating your Karma number is found by taking
the month of your birth day, subtracting 1 and then reducing the
number to a single digit.

For instance if your birth day is June 7, 1960 you would take the
day of the month of your birth day and subtract 1. You would then
reduce the result by fadic addition.

The calculation would be 7-1 = 6. If the person was born on June
17th you would reduce it like this: 17-1 =16 and 1+6 = 7.
The Karma number values and their meanings are listed below.
Karma Number (0)

If you reduce to a zero then it is possible you are a new soul or
one that has cleared up a lot of karmic debt in your past life.
This current life is one where you get to start again with a clean

Karma Number (1)
The lesson of this karma number is learning to be independent. You
may start off this life by being very dependent on others, with the
life lesson being that you need to stand on your own two feet. This
might manifest as spending most of your life single or being very
successful but alone.

Karma Number (2)
The karma of this life has to do with learning how to get along
with others. You may have taken advantage of others in your past
life and now it is payback time. You may find yourself saddled with
the responsibility of taking care of someone who is dependent on
you. You may also have to learn to be less skeptical and how to
trust your intuition...

Karma Number (3)
You may have been frivolous, wasteful and guilty of not taking
things seriously enough. You may have also taken credit for someone
else's accomplishment or cheated to get to the top somehow. Your
lesson in this life is to be balanced, serious and responsible.

Karma Number (4)
You may have been lazy in your past life so in this life you will
be asked to fulfill your potential. You may have to work harder
than most people just to make a living. Your karma requires you to
be persistent; great riches are possible if you keep doing the
right thing without complaint.

Karma Number (5)
You may have been an addict, wasteful or sexually over active in
your last lifetime. Your lesson in this lifetime will be symbolized
by situations that necessitate that you work hard and make
sacrifices so you can get ahead later. You may also be dealing with
health crisises that force you to stay on the straight and narrow.

Karma Number (6)
You are dealing with the karma of betraying or abandoning your
family in a past lifetime. In this lifetime you may find yourself
in the position of having to care for your family or take care of
someone who is ill. You may also find it hard to strike out on your
own and leave the family nest.

Karma Number (7)
You are dealing with the karma of failing to pay attention to the
spiritual side of your life. You may have been too focused on money
in your past life so in this life it may be more challenging for
you to make money. You may be dealing with an illness or chronic
problem that also tests your faith.

Karma Number (8)
You may have been in a position of power and abused it somehow in
your past life. It is also possible you may have exploited others
for financial gain. In this life you are doomed to be a follower.
You will probably have to get by in this lifetime with less money
than most and you will likely have to work hard to get ahead in

Karma Number (9)
You are dealing with the karma of avoiding assisting or loving
other people in a past life. Your lesson in this lifetime is to
learn to be kind, compassionate and help others. You will probably
start this life with great personal needs of your own, and will
only progress in life once you learn how to be a teacher or a
philanthropist in your own life.

As you can see this is not the usual way that numbers are
calculated but it is interesting as the interpretations are
practically the opposite of what we would normally associate with
these particular number values.
Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan

Decoding Life's Secret Messages


Have you ever looked at the clock just in time to read 11:11?

How about 12:34? Or noticed 777 on a sign or license plate?

Have you ever been right in the middle of telling a friend
something when suddenly the person on TV in the background
is talking about the SAME thing at almost the SAME time?

"Synchronicities" are everywhere.

...if you know how to hear, see and recognize them.

And they're telling you something.

Something extremely IMPORTANT about the
future direction of your life.

But are you willing to learn the "language of life?"

Or are you satisfied staying where you are without
moving forward and progressing the way you know you can?

If you only knew HOW to receive life's vital messages.

Thomas, there's a reason why you'r e reading this email
on this day.

You're continuing to read it right now because you sense...
in fact, you KNOW that contained within it is the key to your
future happiness.

Deep down, you know 2012 is YOUR time to shine.

Well, guess what?

You are just moments away from Decoding Life's Secrets
in a way that will stack the odds of success largely
in your favor...


Go here to find out exactly what I mean:

To Your Synchronicity and Success,

Keith Matthew

P.S. - Don't bother going to the web page if you're looking
for rehashed personal development information. The following
information is life-altering and certainly not for everyone:


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How can we build up our energy?

Hi Thomas!

Unfortunately we are surrounded by a lot of negative energy. Yet,
if we can raise our energy, we will start to feel ourselves pulling
out of the negative energy surrounding us. The energy in our
environment is often pulling us down so we have to protect
ourselves by aligning ourselves with people and situations that do
not deplete our energy.

How can we build up our energy? By only focusing on things that
make us feel good. I have also found associating with like-minded
people raises my energy faster than anything else because I am
surrounded by the groups combined energy. The problem is, when I
leave that uplifting energetic environment and go back to my normal
daily routine, that higher energy level is often dissipated.

I soon realized that I had to learn to condition my energy to
maintain or vibrate at a consistently high level. Once I learned
how to maintain my energy, I could also use that energy to uplift
other people. The easiest way to do this is to make the decision
that you will feel "good". That's all it takes. If you feel "bad"
in any moment, reach for a thought that makes you feel just a
little bit better and see what happens.

One of the fastest ways to open the flow of riches into your life
is to help other people raise their energy. In fact, it has become
a major part of my purpose to raise the energy of every person I
meet. This is not easy to do, but the rewards are far beyond the
effort it takes to do this on a daily basis.

I practice it every day. Even when I meet a total stranger, I make
the effort to uplift their energy, even if it is as simple as
giving them a smile or being warm and friendly.

Since energy is transferable without having to say a word, you can
raise the energy level of the people around you just by sending
them your thoughts. Try this experiment. As you come into contact
with other people, especially the ones that seem unhappy or
stressed, take a moment and project a good feeling toward them. Say
something like. "I wish the best for you." Or better yet, say "I
love you". Now I know this is not easy, but the rewards will be
well worth your time and effort if you do it consistently, moment by
moment and day by day. It has an accumulative affect that will
simply amaze you.

If you are like most people you will read this and say, "I cannot
see how this is going to help my money situation. I bought this
program to increase the flow of money into my life. Just show me
how to do that!" That's EXACTLY what I am showing you right now.
The money you desire will flow into your life in direct proportion
to the energy level or consciousness you are willing to maintain.

Now you have two choices. You can read this and forget about
it, agreeing that it is a good idea but do nothing about it, OR you
can DO something about it. Just try it for a week and see what a
difference it makes in your life.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lady Gaga upstaged!!!!! You be the Judge.



A lie!

No way!

You're joking!

Get off the grass!

These are just the first thoughts that might be going through your mind at this moment. You may now be saying how anyone could upstage the outrageous and sublime
Lady Gaga.

I am sure your mind will be flashing back to Lady Gaga's arrival at the recent Grammy Awards inside an alien-like egg carried aloft by attendants dressed in gold. She could barely be seen inside of the egg.

It was the latest in a series of bizarre outfits from Lady Gaga, including the headline-grabbing dress made of entirely of raw meat that she wore to the MTV Music Video Awards in September 2010.

Well I am here to tell you that Lady Gaga has been upstaged by another more outrageous and sublime female. It's true and you can find out for yourself be the Judge by going to this link 

  http://www.amazon.com/kindle-store-ebooks-newspapers-blogs/b?ie=UTF8&node=133141011  and select  'books' in the drop box search (where 'kindle store' is) put 'Butterfly in a glass bottle' in the blank box beside it and hit 'go'. Hit Kindle under the Butterfly title.
I promise you that you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Your Mind Power Controls Everything in Reality

Hi Thomas!

Your Mind Power Controls Everything in Reality

Lack of control is an illusion. If you are the creator, all things
are under your control. Some people say that control is an illusion
but the opposite is the real truth. How can you not be in control
when all things are under your control? Realize the aspect of
yourself that is divine, your Godhood. God is in control of all
things, and God is the Self of all, which is your Higher Self. You
are the Higher Self. You create all of your reality. There is no
aspect of your reality which you do not create. Therefore you
control all.

You are not a victim. All power is within and is absolutely under
your control. To say that things happen through another cause other
than yourself is to say that you are a victim. Nothing happens
outside of you. Everything is happening within you. You are
Consciousness, and Consciousness encompasses All That Is. Whenever
you feel not being in control, you are experiencing an illusion.
You created the illusion of not being in control, of not being God.
You are the director of the script and can control at will.

Intention controls results. Everything is created by your
intention. Even when what you desire comes at a time or in a way
that seems beyond your control, it is still your intent that
brought it into manifesting. That is no God outside of you that
makes things happen. Everything is within you and within God.
Nothing happens to you outside of you. When you realize this truth,
you know that you are the creator of everything that happens in
your life. The idea that something else makes things happen is not

When undesirable things happen, you are simply being moved mentally
or physically towards somewhere else that is closer to what you
want. It is you moving yourself. Those undesirable things are not
created by something external of you to affect you. They are part
of your intent. Your intent arranges and rearranges the universe to
move you to closer to where you wan to be. The rearrangement of the
universe may seem to be something that is happening on its own but
it is you who control it with intention.

Mind Power creates and controls reality. Think of Desire-Force as
the warm, ardent, fiery, forceful energy, underlying the
manifestations of Mind-Power; and of the Will-Power as the cold,
keen, strong, directing, controlling projector of the energy. By
fixing these mental images in your mind, you will be better able to
manifest the two phases as occasion arises. To create a thing you
must want it with a burning desire that allows no denial, backed up
by a will that knows no such word as "can't" or "no."

To live as a powerful creator, you have to banish the illusion once
and for all that you are not in control. Because you will always
arrive back at the core truth that you are the creator of your
reality and that you create all of it. Not being in control makes
you feel like a victim. When you focus on what you can do to create
what you want, you take back the power. Your intent brings you the
knowledge, the awareness and the energy to create what you want.
Everything that happens can be traced back to intent.

Written by Enoch Tan - Creator of Mind Reality

Discover The Greatest Secrets Of The Mind And Reality That Will Get
You Anything You Desire, Almost Like Magic!

Click Here To Find Out More:
==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=AJ2oV&m=3kE5Uzw496Amm5D&b=ZOsLq98zTV1piP15hKHwYQ

The SHORTEST Path to Getting Everything You Want In Life is by
finding information that explains how the universe works.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The greatest secrets of life and reality revealed...

Hi Thomas!

The Greatest Secrets of Life and Reality Revealed

The secret of wealth is consciousness of wealth. In order to
experience abundance, you have to be abundant. Abundance is your
true nature, and when you think, act and live according to it, you
will manifest abundance. The rich in mentality get richer while the
poor in mentality get poorer. The accumulation of material wealth
begins with wealth consciousness. Pursuing spiritual development
before working on wealth creation is the key to attaining both
inner and outer riches. The outer is reflection of inner.

The secret of health is consciousness of health. Disease is a lack
of ease psychologically and physically. Conflicting thoughts and
feelings in your consciousness is what causes this state of
distress. When you notice yourself becoming sick, watch for
conflicting thoughts that have arisen within your consciousness and
resolve them. Either push them all one way or the other, or find a
way to hold them in a harmonious way. External remedies only cure
symptoms but dealing with consciousness cures at root.

The secret of secrets is the consciousness of secrets. All the
truths about life are not secrets, but they are hidden from us due
to our ignorance. By thinking about the discovery of truths as a
search for the secrets, we motivate our subconscious mind to go on
a treasure hunt. The greatest treasure in this world is wisdom, and
life is to be played as a treasure hunting game. Treasures are
meant to be appreciated and so when you think of truths as secrets,
your appreciative mindset will draw them all to you.

Written by Enoch Tan - Creator of Mind Reality

Discover The Greatest Secrets Of The Mind And Reality That Will Get
You Anything You Desire, Almost Like Magic!

Click Here To Find Out More:
==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=AJ2oV&m=3dhBcVfp96Amm5D&b=SzrNocRfvYXsYG9QW5fVGQ

The SHORTEST Path to Getting Everything You Want In Life is by
finding information that explains how the universe works.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Monday, January 9, 2012

Numerology and Stone Henge

Hi Thomas,

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county
of Wiltshire, about two miles west of Amesbury and eight miles
north of Salisbury. It is one of the most famous sites in the
world. It has so much to do with numbers that some mystics have
called it a prehistoric computer.

Stonehenge was a place of burial from its beginning to its zenith
in the mid third millennium B.C. related to an ancient system of
numerology and celestial divination that used to belong to a
prehistoric Celtic style culture known as Annunnaki.

Just in case you are not from this planet and have not heard of
Stonehenge it is basically a circle of very large free standing
boulders that surrounds a series of several hundred burial mounds.
It's been estimated that it was built for 1500 years 2900 BCE (in
the Middle Neolithic Age.) The oldest part of the site consists
of a circular bank and a ditch that is about 100 meters in
diameter. 100 is of course a nice round holy number that symbolizes
wholeness. Inside this circle there are 56 chalk holes that are
about three feet in diameter. These holes are known as the Aubrey

One of the most significant things about the Aubrey holes is the
way they are arranged. A CBS documentary on Stonehenge that ran in
sixties ran a computer analysis of the circle and found out it was
a very special location when it came to marking moon eclipses that
occur in a repetitive sequence of 19 years, another 19 years and
then 18 years.

When numerologists add 19 and 19 and 18 together they reach the
number 56. A black stone was moved around the circle in sync with
the passage of moon cycles.

This meant that every 56 days the stone would arrive at the center
stone, also known as the heal stone and tell us exactly the day
when a moon eclipse would occur. The fact that Stonehenge is so
efficient at marking the movements of the moon and sun have also
had it nicknamed the Eclipse Computer.

Of course the awe factor in all of this is that the monument itself
is so prehistoric. The question absolutely is how this uncannily
accurate stone computer could have been created in such a unique
geographical location miles away from any stone quarry? The dating
of the placement of the rocks tell us that it could not possibly be
the work of the Neolithic tribes that lived at that time. It is one
of the biggest mysteries in the history of mankind.

The numerology that predicts the rotational frequency of the
movement of the sun and moon that is inherent in the structure of
the central circle of Stonehenge is very sophisticated and also
theoretical support for the idea that aliens once visited our
planet and used the site as a S.I.D. or Stored Information Device.

The erection of the upright stones surrounding the Aubrey Holes
came a little later in history - around 2,500 BCE. These
freestanding stones are called the Sarsen Circle. The circle is
exactly 100 feet in diameter.

Any numerologist or astrologer would immediately ask him or herself
why thirty upright stones were erected on this site. One theory is
the need to reduce the mathematical system down to twelve.
In essence a circle is 360 degrees. If you divided it by thirty you
get the number 12. The number 12 was the sacred root number of the
Annunnaki civilization.

The Annunnaki civilization was ruled by twelve months that were in
turn ruled by twelve great Gods. This culture also were
responsible for dividing the twenty four hour day into two twelve
hour segments - one symbolizing day and the other night. This
culture also created the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

The thirty Sarsen upright stones are harder than granite and weigh
about twenty-five tons each. The big mystery behind them is that
they were mined at a quarry near Marlborough Downs using tools that
could not have been possibly invented by or available to that very
primitive culture at that time, once again supporting the idea that
Stonehenge's construction had something to do with aliens.

Furthermore the Marlborough Downs quarry is over twenty miles away
from the site so this also begs the question of how these primitive
people transported these twenty five ton boulders all that way.
The other eerie thing is that the final construction placed each
upright stone into the ground, forming the 100 foot circle with the
top level of all 30 stones extraordinarily attaining the identical

The tops of these uprights were linked by a continuous ring of 30
horizontal Sarsen lintels, curved to follow the circumference of
the circle. These lintels were anchored in place by ten pin an
hole joints and cap stones.

This construction technique also appeared later as part of the
construction of many temples in Egypt, Greece and Rome. Those
structures were rectangular, rather than the circular shape of

Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do you have a mind virus?

Hi Thomas
I understand what I am about to say may sound crazy to you, but
allow me to suggest the possibility that you have been totally
brainwashed and you have unknowingly become your own worst enemy.

In fact, this is exactly what is happening to millions of people.
And most likely, you are one of them.

What I am talking about is the SUBLIMINAL and SUBCONSCIOUS
programming you are getting - programming that is imprinted on your
subconscious without your knowledge.

I am not saying there is an organized conspiracy to program your
mind. The people that are spreading these negative messages
don't even know they are doing it!

The problem is as you are exposed to these mind viruses, you are
likely to be infected. Just as exposure to raw sewage can cause you
to be infected with germs, microbes and other nasty things,
prolonged exposure to the media will infect your mind with many
nasty viruses. Society spends billions of dollars to protect
us from biological and computer viruses. Yet a mind virus can be
the most dangerous of all.

One of the best things you can do to prevent mind viruses is stop
following the news. Don't watch TV, don't listen to "talk" radio,
don't read newspapers or magazines that have the news in them. Why?
Because they all make their money by selling fear, lack, scarcity
and limitation. Bad news is what sells.

Open the average newspaper and you will see that 90% or more of what
you read is negative news. The percentage is about the same for
radio and TV. Do you really believe it is important to find out how
many houses burnt down, how many people were robbed or killed in
your city, state or another country? Do you really need to be
reminded of the economic situation every day? Being exposed to all
this negativity creates a negative view of the world and negative
thought patterns in your mind.

When I tell people to skip the news, they invariably ask, "How will
I know if there is a major world tragedy or natural disaster
heading my way or terrorists striking near me?" Trust me. You will
know about all the big stuff you need to know. Let's face it,
the vast majority of your friends and neighbors follow the news so
they can do the watching and reading for you. You still won't be
able to escape it completely because most restaurants and shops now
have the TV news on all day long. So if something major happens, you
will know about it.

I haven't watched the news for the past ten years. I don't read the
newspaper either because I don't want or need to know about all the
bad stuff. My life is about creating good stuff. Eliminate the news
media from your life for the next 30 days and see what I mean.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Struggle is unnatural.

Hi Thomas

We often talk about "going with the flow". Why? Because that is
what you were created to do! Think about this...everything that
has been created has a natural flow and when it operates in that
flow there is no struggle.

Water does not struggle to flow.
Grass does not struggle to grow.
Wind does not struggle to blow.
Rain does not struggle to fall.
Sun does not struggle to shine.
Earth does not struggle to rotate.
Flowers do not struggle to bloom.

What does this tell us? Struggle is unnatural. Why sentence
ourselves to a life of struggle when it is clearly unnatural?

In short, struggle is a "learned response" that has been taught to
us by those who are in a trance of struggle. This "learned
response" has become an UNCONSCIOUS HABITUAL PATTERN.

Awareness is the first step to making any change in our lives. If
you are aware that struggle is not "normal" and that it is a
choice not to live your life paddling upstream.

Focus your attention on this; NOTHING YOU WANT IS UPSTREAM!
Everything you want is DOWNSTREAM. This means you do not have to
struggle (paddle up stream) to have it. All you need to do is put
your boat in the stream and let it carry you. In fact, you don't
need to paddle at all. Even if your boat is pointed in the wrong
direction (upstream), as soon as you stop paddling the stream will
turn your boat around without any effort on your part. Then you
will be going in the direction where everything you desire takes

It is a simple but powerful metaphor. Give up the struggle once
and for all. Let go of the paddles, trust that Source Energy will
guide you downstream to your desire and start enjoying the trip.
It's a heck of a lot easier!

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Monday, January 2, 2012

How we measure success.

Hi Thomas,
I wanted to take a moment to say Happy New Year to you and yours...
Are ready for a great New Year?

To help you get off to a running start I would like you to consider changing your perception of WHAT SUCCESS MEANS TO YOU!

As I mature and have a better understanding of how things work, I have come to understand that HOW WE MEASURE SUCCESS will determine our happiness, or lack of it.

We tend MEASURE SUCCESS in relation to achieving our goals. In other words, we set a goal and if we achieve it, we are happy and satisfied. If we don't, we feel like a failure. This creates anxiety, fear and sometimes even depression.

You will never be happy or satisfied if you keep focusing on what you DON'T HAVE, or what you have NOT ACHIEVED.

Instead, consider this; The way to MEASURE SUCCESS, and still be happy and satisfied, is to look at WHERE YOU HAVE COME FROM.

In other words, LOOK BACK and notice how you have IMPROVED in any area of your life - even if it is a VERY SMALL improvement.

If you LOOK BACK and celebrate your INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS, the next steps become so much easier, because you are happy and satisfied right now.

So, if you did not achieve everything you wanted in 2011, when you finish reading this take a look at the INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS you have made and give yourself a pat on the back. Make a short list and then give yourself some credit instead of focusing on what went wrong or did not happen. Seriously. I mean it. MAKE THAT LIST. I'm watching you!

Start the New Year with the feeling that you have already started to make some incremental improvements in 2011, and you are ready for more. NEVER, I repeat NEVER, judge yourself. Other people will be happy to do that for you. Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished - no matter how small those accomplishments may seem.

This will get you off to great start in 2012 because you will START OFF with a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT instead of a sense of failure - which is never useful. If you build on your incremental accomplishments you can do EVEN BETTER in 2012.

Before I sign off I want to point out the quote below my name. It says...

"Any dream that can pass through one's screen of logic into the Subconscious
and is earnestly desired, can be obtained".
- Dr. Robert Anthony

This is so true, and I want to keep pointing it out.

Once you give up all the "logical reasons" why something cannot work for you and allow your new dream or goal to enter your Subconscious, it's an idea whose time has come. If you truly desire it and your Subconscious agrees to it - it's yours!

Cheers for a great New Year,

Dr. Robert Anthony

"Any dream that can pass through one's screen of logic into the subconscious
and is earnestly desired, can be obtained".
- Dr. Robert Anthony