Monday, February 27, 2012

Your 'Core Concern' is running your life (what is it?)...

Hi Thomas

"This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow,
as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
- William Shakespeare

Depending on our Personality filters, we all have a Core Concern
that is at the basis of most of our fear, doubt and worry. We all
spend a lot of time and energy trying to avoid feeling our Core
Concern. Much of this is done unconsciously.

Becoming aware of your habitual Focus of Attention and Coping
Strategy helps shine a light on that Core Concern and the simple
act of awareness begins to loosen the hold the Core Concern has on

I am trying to get you to be more aware of your Core Concern.
I am NOT telling you to get rid of it. Much of the non-productive
behavior that you engage in is due to trying to rid yourself of
that Core Concern, trying not feel it and especially trying not let
anyone see that you feel it.

What I am suggesting is that you accept it with no judgment. Just
a statement of what is and a release. This is very
powerful. Try it. "Oh, that's just my fear/anger/avarice/etc.

We spend so much energy trying NOT to feel, but the trick is to
just let the feeling in - acknowledge it, thank it for its
wisdom and let it move on. Like a thought passing through your
mind, a feeling passes through your body. It's alright, let it in,
let it out. Trying to repress or rid yourself of it only increases
its hold on you.

Anytime you accept "what is", you release resistance and then you
have much more energy available to you. Is there anything about
yourself that you don't accept? What if you just dropped all
resistance to it? What if you said, "this is what I am and that's
okay"? Wouldn't that feel good? No judgment, no guilt, no shame.
Those are very low vibration emotions and they never help or effect
change. They keep you stuck. In acceptance, there is healing and

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Secret Survey shocker: 'Why Men Lie'

Dear Thomas,

(I usually don't send things that are JUST for women, but this video was so shocking I had to share it...)
If you're like most women you've probably been lied to by a man . . .

Actually, I can pretty much guarantee it.

The simple fact is, men lie to women all the time . . .

About little things . ..

About big things . . .

About things that don't seem to matter at all . . .

And a lot of women want to know WHY?

WHY can't he just tell me the truth?

My friend Michael Fiore (he's a nationally known relationship expert who's helped thousands of women understand men and who even appeared on Rachael Ray) says there's actually THREE reasons that men lie to women (and two of them are actually pretty innocent . . . here's the first one that tends to SHOCK a lot of women.)

Michael says that men lie to women because men are SCARED of women. N ot physically (not usually, though occasionally you hear about a woman going all "Bobbet" on her man.)

Nope, Michael says men are scared of women's EMOTIONS.

See, it might sound weird, but emotions are actually harder for guys to deal with and to recover from for guys than they are for women.

According to Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington (right here in Seattle) women can both enter and recover from extreme emotional states a LOT faster and easier than guys can.

If you think about it, it makes sense.

We've all seen a woman burst into tears one moment only to be totally fine 5 minutes later.

But when it comes to emotions, guys are a lot more "fragile."

Gottman says it's because of evolution.

Guys were evolved to be single taskers.

To push everything out of their mind except the one thing they're hunting.

And because of that we're slower to get into an emotional state and MUCH slower to get back out of it once we get there.

I like to think of it like swimming.

Getting "emotional" for women is a lot like jumping off a dock into a lake.

You get wet, sure. But the dock is right there and just a few seconds later you're safe and dry. . .

But for guys, "getting emotional" is like getting dropped in the middle of the ocean . . .

Bobbing in the water.

Surrounded by sharks.

With land nowhere in site.

What does this have to do with LYING?


From a very young ag e, guys learn that if we tell you the truth you could FREAK OUT on us. . .

FLOOD us them with scary emotions . . .

And push them out in the ocean where it'll take them hours to recover.

Of course there's other reasons that guys lie too . ..

And other mysteries of men that the "guys" in your life simply never tell you about . . .

If you want to truly understand men, you should drop whatever you're doing and go watch this amazing new video Michael Fiore has just released . . .
It gives you "X Ray Vision" into the minds of men . . .
And tells you all about an astonishing (and affordable) new program Michael's created to answer every question you've ever had about men and the way they think . . .
A program that tells you . . .
  • What he really thinks of you (and why men are so BAD at showing a woman that he loves her.)

  • Why he looks at other women, what it MEANS when he looks at another woman and what really goes through his head when he sees a hot girl walking down the street

  • Why men cheat . . . and how to drain your man's desire to cheat on you just by saying a few simple words.

  • The dirty truth about a man's sexual mind . . .why your man WANTS to be objectified and how to give him sexual thrills that will have him addicted to you.

    And MUCH more . . .
All based off thousands of secret survey responses from real men . . .
Click Here to Discover "Why Men Lie"
Click here to play video
I don't know how long Michael is going to leave this video up, but if you want to UNDERSTAND men you need to watch it right now while you can.
Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wonderful and Weird Reasons to Write or Publish a Book

According to a recent survey the New York Times reported, 81% of people feel that they have a book in them and
should write it. Here are just a few of the myriad of reasons to complete that book:

Great way to position you to charge higher fees


Create additional income streams


Go on more vacations (write them off if you write travel books)


Increase your exposure


Build/gain/establish credibility


Run for office


Increase your opportunities for adventure


Extend your reach to the world


Go places you've never gone before


Create multiple income streams


Become famous (or just think you are)


Make your mother proud


Add a new profit stream to your life


Fund your dream vacation


Help pay the bills


Launch a new career


Get a promotion


Start/support a consulting business


Grow your business


Become the expert


Prove you are an expert


Grow a database of potential clients.


Create and sell information products based on your book


Do what you love


Create and sell products to license with your book (Children's, dream cards)


Leave a legacy


Realize your ideas


Wisdom and Experience: the process of writing a book is a wonderful and enlightening


Work for yourself


Establish, build on a career


Be independent


A story that needs to be told


A topic or issue to be tackled


A message that needs to be heard


A sense of accomplishment


Express your creativity


Explore your fantasies


Write it because it's "What I'm Good At"


Personal expression


You can't stop


Publish or perish: A thesis

Why Write or Publish?
Page 2 of 6


41 Sutter Street, Suite 1368

San Francisco, CA 94104 tel 415.975.0950


Create an image for yourself


Writing one book might lead to writing another.


Create greater awareness of an issue, a topic, yourself


Become a top authority


Touch other people's lives


Build a national reputation


Create evergreen marketing for your business


Good brain dump


Rich inner life


Strong inner focus


Earn money doing what you love/are good at


Transform your life


Take your business to the next level


Resolve internal issues, express traumas, vent, yell, scream, cry, laugh


Process life's experiences


Transform your business


Play on the national/global stage.


Be perceived as smarter


Say goodbye to cold calling


Save on advertising


Get rid of your cheap customers


Attract nicer customers


Find commonalities with your readers


Demonstrate competence


Express what you have to say


Others become more aware and conscious of you


Help more people


Increase your magnetism


Attract more business


Boost your self esteem


Increase your communication skills


Tap into your creativity


Gain valuable new skills


Help you increase sales


Acts as a powerful business card


Leverage your book to change your future


Open yourself to random opportunities


Create a professional image


Gain recognition


Create value for yourself and others


Separate yourself from the competition


Open the entire world to your market(s)


Create a platform with your book and start a speaking career


Increase speaking fees


Expand referral source


Inspire others


Better tax advantages


Improved lifestyle


Increased your personal or professional focus


Increase your higher consciousness


Be taken more seriously


Easier to up sell existing customers


Attracts the guys


Attracts the girls


People will want to do business with you


Reciprocity power


Create your own luck


Get media attention


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Motivation = FEAR?

Hi Thomas!

"It's alright to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to
fly in formation." - Dr. Rob Gilbert

The tendency for most people is to get into a comfort zone and
build a nice little nest there. The comfort zone is made up of all
the thoughts we've had and all the things we've done often enough
to feel comfortable thinking or doing them. Anything that threatens
to push us out of our nest makes us feel uncomfortable.

"Uncomfortable" is a catchall term that encompasses many emotions;
fear, unworthiness, doubt, anger, hurt and distrust, to name a
few. Since we have labeled these emotions as "bad", we don't want to
feel them and so we crawl back into our nests.

It can be argued that there are really only two human emotions,
fear and love and that all other emotions are variations on
these two themes. Any negative emotion is a spin-off of
fear. Except for rare occasions, most of the fear that we
experience is over imagined circumstances or consequences. But,
since fear keeps us from doing things, we never really check out
the validity of the fear itself. A feedback loop of fear ? not
doing ? ignorance ? then back to fear develops.

When something pushes us out of our comfort zone we feel some
variation of fear. The bodily sensations that go along with fear
are something that we have come to label as "bad" and we want
to avoid them at all costs. Let's look at what happens when the
body feels fear; adrenaline, glucose and other energy producing
chemicals are released into the bloodstream. Our senses actually
sharpen when non-essential fears such as, "Did I remember to TiVo
Lost?", pop up and we gain an instant ability to focus on the task
at hand.

When we are outside of our comfort zone, most of the time, the only
thing we are in danger of is learning something new. What is
helpful in learning something new? Energy, clarity and the ability
to focus - all available to you via your friend, fear.

Now, am I saying that fear is the best motivator? No, but I am
saying that you can change the way you look at the sensations that
fear produces. Do you realize that, at a somatic level, excitement
feels pretty much the same as fear? So what I'm suggesting is that
the next time you get pushed out of your comfort zone and you feel
the adrenaline of fear, instead of crawling swiftly back into the
safety of your nest, change the way you look at it. Choose to
experience the sensations of excitement and use the clarity, energy
and increased focus at your disposal to say "YES" to the experience
and learn something new!

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How judgement robs you of success...

Hi Thomas
"It's impossible to hate anyone whose story you know." - H.S. Boylan

We talk a lot, in our work with Personality Filters, about
developing compassion, both for yourself and others. We say that
when you understand why someone behaves the way they do, then you
are more able to feel compassion instead of judgement toward them.

Typically, when we judge someone we are making a whole host of
assumptions. Take a simple judgement: "She should be on time". Is
that true?

Do you know:

-If something unavoidable occurred to prevent her from being on
-What lessons she is learning in her life by being late?
-If being on time is an important standard for her?
-If her inner guidance was keeping her from a certain intersection
at a certain time?

The bottom line is that you don't know, you never really know what
someone else's path in life involves. Therefore, the answer is
always, "No, it's not true". It's just your opinion.

Having compassion does not mean that you have to condone someone's
hurtful behavior, but it does mean that you don't judge the person.
Now I imagine that some of you are thinking, "What about
criminals?" I'm willing to bet that the most heinous crimes are
committed by people who had heinous things done to them as
children. Does that excuse or justify their behavior? Definitely
not. But if you knew their story, you would feel more compassion
for them. We see this in our work in the judicial system, where
judges pass judgment on the action of an individual, while
remaining compassionate to the person.

Our day to day judgments are typically not of that magnitude.
They are mostly about things that we believe other people should be
doing based on our own values, standards, wishes or needs. So the
next time you find yourself judging someone, take the judgmental
thought and ask yourself; Is that true? Can you know with
absolute certainty that it is true? If you're not in that other
person's skin the answer has to be - No, it's not true.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Friday, February 17, 2012

7 Ways to simplify your life right away...

Hi Thomas!

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." - Gandhi

Do you sometimes feel like your life is too rushed or too
complicated? Do you find yourself longing for a simpler time?
Wikipedia says, "Simplicity is the property, condition or quality
of being simple or un-combined. It often denotes beauty, purity or
clarity. Simple things are usually easier to explain and understand
than complicated ones. Simplicity can mean freedom from hardship,
effort or confusion. It can also mean adopting a simpler

There is a plethora of information being thrown at us everyday,
options galore and pressure to buy more stuff and do more things.
We are overloaded with decisions that have to be made. Even if
you're an info junkie or someone who thrives on options, there is
benefit in slowing down and simplifying your life, even if only
occasionally. Simplifying your life - internally and externally -
can free up space and time for you and can lead to more joy and
more Flow. There are many ways to simplify your life.

Here are just a few:

-Limit stuff to what you need and cherish.
-Spend time in nature instead of at the mall.
-Clear out clutter (internally and externally).
-Be willing to say "no".
-Eat simply and healthy.
-Release complicated, unhealthy relationships.
-Let go of worrying about the future and "be here now".

What could you change/release in your life to create more

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Download your FREE "Journey of Inspiration" eBook (worth $27) now!

Dear Thomas,

Download these amazing Gifts, yours absolutely FREE...

You'll get instant access to a brand new success package that is getting rave reviews (includes: A Journey of Inspiration by inspirational speaker and author Josh Hinds -- plus other great encouraging ebooks).

Content this valuable does not come around for free that often.

But it's yours at no cost here:
Yours Truly,
Keith Matthew
P.S. This gift will be immediately sent to your email...
so make sure to check it right away

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to instantly change your beliefs...

Hi Thomas

We live in a belief-driven universe. The beliefs we have, most of
which are unconscious, determine what we see. We are interpreting
everything around us through the lens of our Personality Filters,
which are really our filters of belief. Once we become aware of our
filter and beliefs we can change. We will see an abundance of
everything we are looking for and realize it was there all

Everything you want is available to you, but you won't see it until
you turn on the perception that allows you to see it.

Our society is rapidly becoming one of "entitlement" which is the
dark side of expectations. I hear some of my clients complaining
that they are just as good, talented, knowledgeable or experienced
as someone who is very successful in their field. They feel
"entitled" to more success and expect that simply by being good at
what they do, they will reap the rewards.

The problem is they are not engaged in the active pursuit of that
success. Successful people are fully engaged. They read one new
book a week, take classes, experiment, take risks and take action
every day.

They don't THINK about getting on the ride. They GET on the ride.
They don't THINK of getting in the game, they GET in the game. They
don't HOPE for or THINK about expanding their business. They become
fully ENGAGED in the process of expanding their business.

You don't do this by just using positive thinking or affirmations
like "I know I can". You are not the little engine that could. You
are the little engine that DOES!

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is this true?

Hi Thomas!

Why do we resist doing what we can in this moment? Because we might
fail. If you get right down to the core of it, you will see that
people act powerless because it's far easier to blame circumstances
than go ahead and do it anyway, and maybe look really stupid in the
process. So we give our power away to others. It's like we're
saying, "No, please, YOU take my power. This way I can blame YOU if
things don't work out".

Hope attempts to prove we're powerless.

We say things like...

-I am not the one in charge here, so there is really nothing I can do.

-I believe my fate is in God's hands.

-They won't let me...(government, rich people, or anyone else who
appears to have more power)

-What is the use of trying? The odds are clearly stacked against me.

These are nothing more than assumptions. Assumptions are
characterized by the habit of taking for granted that something is
true when it is not. Questions you must ask are, "Is my assumption
true or false? What proof or evidence do I have about my
assumption? "

What's more stupid than a stupid question? The answer is an
incorrect assumption.

Think of this in terms of your return on investment. In business
we focus heavily on the ROI (return on investment), but we forget
to use that same concept throughout the rest of our lives.
When we fail to do what we want because of an assumption, we are
forgetting about the concept of ROI. What would be the ROI for
doing it anyway, even if someone somewhere holds the assumption
that it is impossible? If all any of us ever did was follow our
assumptions, we would still be afraid of falling off the edge of
the earth.

Is it wrong to hope or have expectations? Absolutely not. However,
the tipping point where hope turns into defeat is when hope keeps
us from doing what we can do in the moment.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Friday, February 3, 2012

Is this assumption true or false?

Hi Thomas!

Why do we resist doing what we can in this moment? Because we might
fail. If you get right down to the core of it, you will see that
people act powerless because it's far easier to blame circumstances
than go ahead and do it anyway, and maybe look really stupid in the
process. So we give our power away to others. It's like we're
saying, "No, please, YOU take my power. This way I can blame YOU if
things don't work out".

Hope attempts to prove we're powerless.

We say things like...

-I am not the one in charge here, so there is really nothing I can do.

-I believe my fate is in God's hands.

-They won't let me...(government, rich people, or anyone else who
appears to have more power)

-What is the use of trying? The odds are clearly stacked against me.

These are nothing more than assumptions. Assumptions are
characterized by the habit of taking for granted that something is
true when it is not. Questions you must ask are, "Is my assumption
true or false? What proof or evidence do I have about my
assumption? "

What's more stupid than a stupid question? The answer is an
incorrect assumption.

Think of this in terms of your return on investment. In business
we focus heavily on the ROI (return on investment), but we forget
to use that same concept throughout the rest of our lives.
When we fail to do what we want because of an assumption, we are
forgetting about the concept of ROI. What would be the ROI for
doing it anyway, even if someone somewhere holds the assumption
that it is impossible? If all any of us ever did was follow our
assumptions, we would still be afraid of falling off the edge of
the earth.

Is it wrong to hope or have expectations? Absolutely not. However,
the tipping point where hope turns into defeat is when hope keeps
us from doing what we can do in the moment.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony