About Laurence G. Boldt |
For nearly twenty years, Laurence Boldt has been helping people to live their dreams, through his work as a writer, speaker, and career consultant. He is the author of five books, including the best-selling career classic Zen and the Art of Marking a Living. This groundbreaking work has been credited by many with revolutionizing the career field, offering a new a vision of work and a new technology of vocational guidance. Boldt's other books include the best-selling How to Find the Work
You Love, Zen Soup, The Tao of Abundance, and How to Be, Do, or Have Anything.
Today three of Boldt's books are used as graduate-level course texts at leading public and private universities across the country. His books have won praise in articles and reviews from such diverse publications as Newsweek Magazine, Mademoiselle, Selling, Business Ethics, African Business, Sales and Marketing Management, Publisher's Weekly, New Age Journal, Common Boundary, and The Simple Living Journal.
Laurence Boldt is a leading interpreter of Eastern philosophy to the modern West. His book The Tao of Abundance was recognized as one of the top ten books on Eastern philosophy in 1999 by the editors of Amazon.com. Laurence Boldt has appeared on hundreds of radio shows and scores of television programs throughout the nation. An in-demand speaker, Boldt has given workshops and lectures across the country for leading business, nonprofit, and university organizations. He has designed curricula for high school and college courses and corporate training programs.
In addition to being the author of five books, Laurence has written many poems and a screenplay. He enjoys spending time back-packing and hiking in the great outdoors and has hiked the length of the John Muir Trail. He is a practitioner of several types of meditation and, as a young man, completed a forty-day fast. He lives in southern California.
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