Saturday, April 21, 2012

What do these patterns reveal?

Hi Thomas H Green!

"The motions and patterns and connections of things become apparent
on a gut level."
- Robyn Davidson

Have you ever had a moment in time when you were amazed at how
connected things and people are? Sometimes it comes from finding
out that a current friend went to college with someone you both
know or your colleague in a foreign country is reading the very
same book you are at the time. As our world has shrunk and we are
able to communicate so quickly, we now can validate what many have
been saying throughout the ages; we are all connected.

When we are having a difficult time it is easy to forget that we
are connected. It isn't that our connection is ever broken, most
of the time it is because we have closed down our extensions of
connection and forgotten we are not alone.

Have you ever had a bad day lightened up by an interaction with a
stranger? Have you ever had difficulty understanding something and
then received an answer simply by observing nature or animals?

Try this when you are seeking an answer to a question.
Go for a walk in nature, or even just in your neighborhood.
As you walk, suspend thinking about either the question or the
answer and pay attention to your environment. Feel the temperature
of the air on your skin, notice the sound your feet make as you
walk, let your eyes move and see whatever they want to, smell the
air and touch the textures that you pass as you walk. As much as
possible, just be in the moment with the changing scenery as you

Notice any pattern you see along the way, the way the flowers are
growing, the way the dogs fight for a bone or the stillness of the
evening, as examples. When you come home ask yourself if you have
any answers to your question. Allow whatever is there to emerge.
On a deep gut level, you always know more than you think you do.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ego -vs- Inner Voice...

Hi Thomas!

"How do these geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the
seasons? How do we, humans, know when it is time to move on? How
do we know when to go? As with the migrant birds, so surely with
us, there is a voice within, if only we would listen to it, that
tells us so certainly when to go forth into the unknown."
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D.

Trusting yourself is a major sign of surrendering to the Flow. As
in the above quote, the geese don't seem to argue over when it is
time to fly south, they just seem to know. The less victimized you
feel by your background, your work history, your relationship
history, your health, age or anything else, the easier it is for
you to hear that voice within. As you move higher up the Levels of
Awareness, you will find that voice gets louder in every stage. This
is partly due to the reduction of your drama and partly due to your
willingness to hear your own wisdom.

The next step after hearing your inner voice, is to trust what it
says and dare to act on it. That takes practice and you will find
you do a lot of that in the Learning and Experiencing Level of
Awareness. Don't be alarmed if you act on something that you
thought was your inner voice communicating and it proves to be
inaccurate or not in your best interest. Sometimes our egos want
to get into the game and will play tricks on us. How do you know
the difference? That will vary for each of you, but here are a few
tips. The more your inner voice is concerned with being right, the
more likely it is ego, not internal wisdom. If you waffle back and
forth a lot regarding taking action, that is still your ego trying
to be safe. In that case ask yourself, "If I knew I couldn't do it
wrong, what would I do?" That will give you an answer that is not
coming from fear or ego.

Begin to notice how you hear or sense your inner voice when it has
led you in the right direction. Pay special attention to the fact
that it is often not logical. Your inner voice has its own
non-linear way of knowing and communicating. It is your job to
discover your own patterns and trust that no matter what it looks
like on the surface, there are good reasons to honor your internal
wisdom. How many times have you noticed after something you feared
has happened, looking back on it, you realize it was the best
thing for you after all?

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice
and tragedy."
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a
- Richard Bach

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Confidence - to expand your consciousness...

Hi Thomas !

"Like water, which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so
long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the
true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed."
- Indra Devi

Solitude is a vital experience we require in order to grow and
expand our consciousness. Being by yourself in quiet with no other
distractions is one of the best ways to connect deeply with
yourself, nature and your inner voice. Some Personality Types tend
to have a resistance to that kind of experience because of their
Focus of Attention.

However, solitude is a recommended practice for everyone and the
more you don't want to do it, the more you will grow from the

Solitude is not about being closed down or putting up walls against
intrusion. The kind of solitude that will help you grow and deepen
is when you purposely choose to be by yourself in the silence. It
is not about escaping, it is about stepping into something inviting.

If this subject is making you uncomfortable, start practicing with
thirty minutes at a time and slowly build up to several hours. Once
you have increased to that level, it is recommended that you spend
an overnight by yourself. There are many retreat centers that offer
that kind of experience in groups, if that feels safer to you, or
you can go away by yourself.

However you orchestrate your solitude, don't take anything but a
journal to write in. No books to read, music to play or movies to
watch. Walking in nature is recommended. It is best to talk or
text others as little as possible. In this fast-paced world our
nervous systems can easily be overloaded and even though your
Personality Type might crave stimulus, your body and nervous system
crave quiet and solitude. Try it and see what pearls of wisdom and
benefits you gain.

"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence,
but it comes from within. It is there all the time."
- Anna Freud

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2 ways to be rich...

Hi Thomas

"There are two ways of being rich. One is to have all you want, the
other is to be satisfied with what you have."
- Unknown

How easy is it for you to really feel satisfied? Look around you
right now and notice your surroundings. Do you like what you see or
do you see what you don't like?

How do you feel about yourself right now? Can you truly appreciate
yourself today, still knowing there may be aspects you would like
to improve?

The higher you live on the Levels of Awareness, the more likely you
are to feel satisfied. That's true because the more aware and
capable of making good choices you are, the less you are caught in
struggle. The higher on the Levels of Awareness you live, the
richer you are likely to feel, not only in terms of finances, but
also in terms of personal satisfaction.

Being satisfied is an inside job. No amount of money or material
good can give you the inner feeling of satisfaction. We are not
taught to be satisfied. We are taught and trained by the media to
want more.

Today don't chase satisfaction. Sit still for a moment and let it
bubble up from inside you, like an underground stream.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breathing life into your aspirations

Sadly, far too many folks are waiting aimlessly for their
so-called ship to come in and magically change their life
for the better. More often than not, they end up missing the
boat that could actually carry them to a brighter future
(the boat I'm talking about is the USS Action ;-)

Yet, because they are often so afraid of testing new waters
they spend an entire lifetime waiting on the shore.

Friend, if you identified a bit more than you wish you did
with the words described above, take heart, because in this
very moment you can make the conscious decision to start
getting the most out of your life's journey.

Notice I said you can make the decision -- yes, it is a
choice you have to make yourself -- and of course be willing
to take action, and truly commit to living more fully. That
said, if you are willing to make a plan, and follow through
on your plan to the point of completion, not just every now
and again, but even in those moments where you're inclined
to give up -- then I can tell you without a shadow of a
doubt that you're going to join the ranks of those who
experience a greater sense of accomplishment for having
achieved the goals you set for yourself.

Certainly there be will times where you may fall short of
your desired outcome, but so long as you're willing to
adjust as necessary and get back to your pursuit you will
eventually get to where you want to go. Right now, repeat to
yourself, "greatness is a part of who I am." Believe it,
it's true!

It's your life, LIVE BIG!

Josh Hinds

3 Keys to happiness and success that most people skip...

Hi Thomas!

We would never start out for a long drive without gas in the car or
leave our pets without food while we are gone for several days. And
yet I find many people who forget to eat or take food with them if
they are going to be gone for several hours. Both our cars and our
pets need nutrition and fuel everyday. So do our bodies.

Many cars require premium gas. It is easy to forget, but your body
also works better on premium fuel. By premium fuel I simply mean
whole grains, vegetables, fruit and lean meats. The energy and
vibration of your body will rise considerably by feeding it well.

Two other essential factors about the basics of human self-care are
exercise and rest. Just being reasonably active by moving your body
with walking, gardening or playing will increase your current
health and add to your longevity. Working out at the gym or
playing a sport is even better, if not overdone. Any movement
counts and adds to your health. Current studies show that even ten
minutes of walking is beneficial.

Rest and sleep are the third leg of the stool of balancing your
basic health. In this fast-paced society it is easy to keep going
by drinking caffeine when twenty minutes of rest is what your body
is craving.

When you are stressed or going through change you will fare far
better if you return to the basics of self care; good food,
adequate exercise, deep sleep and daily rest.

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward."
- Spanish proverb

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony